Source code for dbcollection.core.loader

Dataset's metadata loader classes.

import h5py
from dbcollection.utils.string_ascii import convert_ascii_to_str

[docs]class FieldLoader(object): """Field metadata loader class. This class contains several methods to fetch data from a specific field of a set (group) in a hdf5 file. It contains useful information about the field and also several methods to fetch data. Parameters ---------- hdf5_field : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset hdf5 field object handler. obj_id : int, optional Position of the field in 'object_fields'. Attributes ---------- data : h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset hdf5 group object handler. set : str Name of the set. name : str Name of the field. type : type Type of the field's data. shape : tuple Shape of the field's data. fillvalue : int Value used to pad arrays when storing the data in the hdf5 file. obj_id : int Identifier of the field if contained in the 'object_ids' list. """ def __init__(self, hdf5_field, obj_id=None): """Initialize class.""" assert hdf5_field, 'Must input a valid hdf5 dataset.' = hdf5_field self.hdf5_handler = hdf5_field self._in_memory = False self.set = self._get_set_name() = self._get_field_name() self.shape = hdf5_field.shape self.type = hdf5_field.dtype self.fillvalue = hdf5_field.fillvalue self.obj_id = obj_id def _get_set_name(self): hdf5_object_str = self._get_hdf5_object_str() return hdf5_object_str[1] def _get_field_name(self): hdf5_object_str = self._get_hdf5_object_str() return hdf5_object_str[-1] def _get_hdf5_object_str(self): return'/')
[docs] def get(self, index=None, convert_to_str=False): """Retrieves data of the field from the dataset's hdf5 metadata file. This method retrieves the i'th data from the hdf5 file. Also, it is possible to retrieve multiple values by inserting a list/tuple of number values as indexes. Parameters ---------- index : int/list/tuple, optional Index number of he field. If it is a list, returns the data for all the value indexes of that list. convert_to_str : bool, optional Convert the output data into a string. Warning: output must be of type np.uint8 Returns ------- np.ndarray/list/str Numpy array containing the field's data. If convert_to_str is set to True, it returns a string or list of strings. Note ---- When using lists/tuples of indexes, this method sorts the list and removes duplicate values. This is because the h5py api requires the indexing elements to be in increasing order when retrieving data. """ if index is None: data = self._get_all_idx() else: data = self._get_range_idx(index) if convert_to_str: data = convert_ascii_to_str(data) return data
def _get_all_idx(self): """Return the full data array.""" if self._in_memory: return else: return def _get_range_idx(self, idx): """Return a slice of the data array.""" assert idx is not None if isinstance(idx, int): return[idx] else: size = len(idx) if size > 1: return[sorted(set(idx))] elif size == 1: return[idx[0]] else: return self._get_all_idx()
[docs] def size(self): """Size of the field. Returns the number of the elements of the field. Returns ------- tuple Returns the size of the field. """ return self.shape
[docs] def object_field_id(self): """Retrieves the index position of the field in the 'object_ids' list. This method returns the position of the field in the 'object_ids' object. If the field is not contained in this object, it returns a null value. Returns ------- int Index of the field in the 'object_ids' list. """ return self.obj_id
[docs] def info(self, verbose=True): """Prints information about the field. Displays information like name, size and shape of the field. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional If true, display extra information about the field. """ if verbose: if hasattr(self, 'obj_id'): print('Field: {}, shape = {}, dtype = {}, (in \'object_ids\', position = {})' .format(, str(self.shape), str(self.type), self.obj_id)) else: print('Field: {}, shape = {}, dtype = {}' .format(, str(self.shape), str(self.type)))
def _set_to_memory(self, is_in_memory): """Stores the contents of the field in a numpy array if True. Parameters ---------- is_in_memory : bool Move the data to memory (if True). """ assert isinstance(is_in_memory, bool), 'Invalid input. Must insert a boolean type.' if is_in_memory: = self.hdf5_handler.value else: = self.hdf5_handler self._in_memory = is_in_memory def _get_to_memory(self): """Modifies how data is accessed and stored. Accessing data from a field can be done in two ways: memory or disk. To enable data allocation and access from memory requires the user to specify a boolean. If set to True, data is allocated to a numpy ndarray and all accesses are done in memory. Otherwise, data is kept in disk and accesses are done using the HDF5 object handler. """ return self._in_memory to_memory = property(_get_to_memory, _set_to_memory)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index): """ Parameters ---------- index : int Index Returns ------- np.ndarray Numpy data array. """ return[index]
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of samples """ return self.shape[0]
def __str__(self): if self._in_memory: s = 'FieldLoader: <numpy.ndarray "{}": shape {}, type "{}">' \ .format(,, else: s = 'FieldLoader: ' + return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class SetLoader(object): """Set metadata loader class. This class contains several methods to fetch data from a specific set (group) in a hdf5 file. It contains useful information about a specific group and also several methods to fetch data. Parameters ---------- hdf5_group : hdf5 group object handler. Attributes ---------- hdf5_group : hdf5 group object handler. set : str Name of the set. fields : tuple List of all field names of the set. object_fields : tuple List of all field names of the set contained by the 'object_ids' list. nelems : int Number of rows in 'object_ids'. """ def __init__(self, hdf5_group): """Initialize class.""" assert hdf5_group, 'Must input a valid hdf5 group' self.hdf5_group = hdf5_group self.set = self._get_set_name() self.object_fields = self._get_object_fields() self.nelems = self._get_num_elements() self._fields = self._get_field_names() self.fields = self._load_hdf5_fields() # add all hdf5 datasets as data fields self._fields_info = [] self._lists_info = [] def _get_set_name(self): hdf5_object_str = str_split = hdf5_object_str.split('/') return str_split[-1] def _get_object_fields(self): object_fields_data = self.hdf5_group['object_fields'].value output = convert_ascii_to_str(object_fields_data) if type(output) == 'string': output = (output,) return output def _get_field_names(self): return tuple(self.hdf5_group.keys()) def _get_num_elements(self): return len(self.hdf5_group['object_ids']) def _load_hdf5_fields(self): fields = {} for field in self._fields: obj_id = self._get_obj_id_field(field) fields[field] = FieldLoader(self.hdf5_group[field], obj_id) return fields def _get_obj_id_field(self, field): if field in self.object_fields: return self.object_fields.index(field) else: return None
[docs] def get(self, field, index=None, convert_to_str=False): """Retrieves data from the dataset's hdf5 metadata file. This method retrieves the i'th data from the hdf5 file with the same 'field' name. Also, it is possible to retrieve multiple values by inserting a list/tuple of number values as indexes. Parameters ---------- field : str Field name. index : int/list/tuple, optional Index number of the field. If it is a list, returns the data for all the value indexes of that list. convert_to_str : bool, optional Convert the output data into a string. Warning: output must be of type np.uint8 Returns ------- np.ndarray/list/str Numpy array containing the field's data. If convert_to_str is set to True, it returns a string or list of strings. Raises ------ KeyError If the field does not exist in the list. """ assert field, 'Must input a valid field name.' try: return self.fields[field].get(index=index, convert_to_str=convert_to_str) except KeyError: raise KeyError('\'{}\' does not exist in the \'{}\' set.'.format(field, self.set))
[docs] def object(self, index=None, convert_to_value=False): """Retrieves a list of all fields' indexes/values of an object composition. Retrieves the data's ids or contents of all fields of an object. It basically works as calling the get() method for each individual field and then groups all values into a list w.r.t. the corresponding order of the fields. Parameters ---------- index : int/list/tuple, optional Index number of the field. If it is a list, returns the data for all the value indexes of that list. If no index is used, it returns the entire data field array. convert_to_value : bool, optional If False, outputs a list of indexes. If True, it outputs a list of arrays/values instead of indexes. Returns ------- list Returns a list of indexes or, if convert_to_value is True, a list of data arrays/values. """ indexes = self._get_object_indexes(index) if convert_to_value: indexes = self._convert(indexes.tolist()) return indexes
def _get_object_indexes(self, index): return self.get('object_ids', index) def _convert(self, index): """Retrieve data from the dataset's hdf5 metadata file in the original format. This method fetches all indices of an object(s), and then it looks up for the value for each field in 'object_ids' for a certain index(es), and then it groups the fetches data into a single list. Parameters ---------- index : list List of indexes of data fields. Returns ------- List Value/list of a field from the metadata cache file. Raises ------ TypeError If index is not a list of ints or a list of lists. """ assert index, 'Must input a valid index.' if isinstance(index[0], int): output = self._convert_to_value_single_object(index) elif isinstance(index[0], list): output = [] for idx in index: output.append(self._convert_to_value_single_object(idx)) else: raise TypeError("Invalid input index format.") return output def _convert_to_value_single_object(self, idx): data = [] for i, field in enumerate(self.object_fields): if idx[i] >= 0: data.append(self.get(field, idx[i])) else: data.append([]) # undefined index retrieves an empty list return data
[docs] def size(self, field='object_ids'): """Size of a field. Returns the number of the elements of a field. Parameters ---------- field : str, optional Name of the field in the metadata file. Returns ------- tuple Returns the size of the field. Raises ------ KeyError If field is invalid or does not exist in the fields dict. """ try: return self.fields[field].shape except KeyError: raise KeyError('\'{}\' does not exist in the \'{}\' set.'.format(field, self.set))
[docs] def list(self): """List of all field names. Returns ------- list List of all data fields of the dataset. """ return self._fields
[docs] def object_field_id(self, field): """Retrieves the index position of a field in the 'object_ids' list. This method returns the position of a field in the 'object_ids' object. If the field is not contained in this object, it returns a null value. Parameters ---------- field : str Name of the field in the metadata file. Returns ------- int Index of the field in the 'object_ids' list. Raises ------ KeyError If field does not exists in the list of object fields. """ assert field, 'Must input a valid field.' try: return self.fields[field].object_field_id() except KeyError: raise KeyError('\'{}\' is not contained in \'object_fields\'.'.format(field))
[docs] def info(self): """Prints information about the data fields of a set. Displays information of all fields available like field name, size and shape of all sets. If a 'set_name' is provided, it displays only the information for that specific set. This method provides the necessary information about a data set internals to help determine how to use/handle a specific field. """ print('\n> Set: {}'.format(self.set)) self._set_fields_lists_info() self._print_info_fields() self._print_info_lists()
def _set_fields_lists_info(self): if any(self._fields_info): return for field in sorted(self.fields): if self._is_field_a_list(field): self._lists_info.append(self._get_list_info(field)) else: self._fields_info.append(self._get_field_info(field)) def _is_field_a_list(self, field): assert field return field.startswith('list_') def _get_list_info(self, field): assert field return { "name": str(field), "shape": 'shape = {}'.format(str(self.fields[field].shape)), "type": 'dtype = {}'.format(str(self.fields[field].type)) } def _get_field_info(self, field): assert field s_obj = '' if field in self.object_fields: obj_id = self.object_field_id(field) s_obj = "(in 'object_ids', position = {})".format(obj_id) return { "name": str(field), "shape": 'shape = {}'.format(str(self.fields[field].shape)), "type": 'dtype = {}'.format(str(self.fields[field].type)), "obj": s_obj } def _print_info_fields(self): maxsize_name, maxsize_shape, maxsize_type = self._get_max_sizes_fields() for i, info in enumerate(self._fields_info): s_name = '{:{}}'.format(' - {}, '.format(info["name"]), maxsize_name) s_shape = '{:{}}'.format('{}, '.format(info["shape"]), maxsize_shape) s_obj = info["obj"] if any(s_obj): s_type = '{:{}}'.format('{},'.format(info["type"]), maxsize_type) else: s_type = '{:{}}'.format('{}'.format(info["type"]), maxsize_type) print(s_name + s_shape + s_type + s_obj) def _get_max_sizes_fields(self): maxsize_name = max([len(d["name"]) for d in self._fields_info]) + 8 maxsize_shape = max([len(d["shape"]) for d in self._fields_info]) + 3 maxsize_type = max([len(d["type"]) for d in self._fields_info]) + 3 return maxsize_name, maxsize_shape, maxsize_type def _print_info_lists(self): if any(self._lists_info): print('\n (Pre-ordered lists)') maxsize_name, maxsize_shape = self._get_max_sizes_lists() for i, info in enumerate(self._lists_info): s_name = '{:{}}'.format(' - {}, '.format(info["name"]), maxsize_name) s_shape = '{:{}}'.format('{}, '.format(info["shape"]), maxsize_shape) s_type = info["type"] print(s_name + s_shape + s_type) def _get_max_sizes_lists(self): maxsize_name = max([len(d["name"]) for d in self._lists_info]) + 8 maxsize_shape = max([len(d["shape"]) for d in self._lists_info]) + 3 return maxsize_name, maxsize_shape
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Returns ------- int Number of elements """ return self.nelems
def __str__(self): s = 'SetLoader: set<{}>, len<{}>'.format(self.set, self.nelems) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class DataLoader(object): """Dataset metadata loader class. This class contains several methods to fetch data from a hdf5 file by using simple, easy to use functions for (meta)data handling. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the dataset. task : str Name of the task. data_dir : str Path of the dataset's data directory on disk. hdf5_filepath : str Path of the metadata cache file stored on disk. Attributes ---------- db_name : str Name of the dataset. task : str Name of the task. data_dir : str Path of the dataset's data directory on disk. hdf5_filepath : str Path of the hdf5 metadata file stored on disk. hdf5_file : h5py._hl.files.File hdf5 file object handler. root_path : str Default data group of the hdf5 file. sets : tuple List of names of set splits (e.g. train, test, val, etc.) object_fields : dict Data field names for each set split. """ def __init__(self, name, task, data_dir, hdf5_filepath): """Initialize class.""" assert name, 'Must input a valid dataset name.' assert task, 'Must input a valid task name.' assert data_dir, 'Must input a valid path for the data directory.' assert hdf5_filepath, 'Must input a valid path for the cache file.' self.db_name = name self.task = task self.data_dir = data_dir self.hdf5_filepath = hdf5_filepath self.hdf5_file = self._load_hdf5_file() self.root_path = '/' self._sets = self._get_sets() self.object_fields = self._get_object_fields() self.sets = self._get_set_loaders() def _load_hdf5_file(self): return h5py.File(self.hdf5_filepath, 'r', libver='latest') def _get_sets(self): return tuple(sorted(self.hdf5_file['/'].keys())) def _get_object_fields(self): """# fetch list of field names that compose the object list.""" object_fields = {} for set_name in self._sets: data = self.hdf5_file['/{}/object_fields'.format(set_name)].value object_fields[set_name] = tuple(convert_ascii_to_str(data)) return object_fields def _get_set_loaders(self): """Return a dictionary with list of set loaders.""" sets = {} for set_name in self._sets: sets[set_name] = SetLoader(self.hdf5_file[set_name]) return sets
[docs] def get(self, set_name, field, index=None, convert_to_str=False): """Retrieves data from the dataset's hdf5 metadata file. This method retrieves the i'th data from the hdf5 file with the same 'field' name. Also, it is possible to retrieve multiple values by inserting a list/tuple of number values as indexes. Parameters ---------- set_name : str Name of the set. field : str Name of the data field. idx : int/list/tuple, optional Index number of the field. If it is a list, returns the data for all the value indexes of that list. convert_to_str : bool, optional Convert the output data into a string. Warning: output must be of type np.uint8 Returns ------- np.ndarray/list/str Numpy array containing the field's data. If convert_to_str is set to True, it returns a string or list of strings. Raises ------ KeyError If set name is not valid or does not exist. """ assert set_name, 'Must input a set name.' assert field, 'Must input a field name.' try: return self.sets[set_name].get(field, index, convert_to_str=convert_to_str) except KeyError: self._raise_error_invalid_set_name(set_name)
def _raise_error_invalid_set_name(self, set_name): raise KeyError("'{}' does not exist in the sets list: {}".format(set_name, self._sets))
[docs] def object(self, set_name, index=None, convert_to_value=False): """Retrieves a list of all fields' indexes/values of an object composition. Retrieves the data's ids or contents of all fields of an object. It basically works as calling the get() method for each individual field and then groups all values into a list w.r.t. the corresponding order of the fields. Parameters ---------- set_name : str Name of the set. index : int/list/tuple, optional Index number of the field. If it is a list, returns the data for all the value indexes of that list. If no index is used, it returns the entire data field array. convert_to_value : bool, optional If False, outputs a list of indexes. If True, it outputs a list of arrays/values instead of indexes. Returns ------- list List of indexes of the data fields available in 'object_fields'. If convert_to_value is set to True, it returns a list of data instead of indexes. Raises ------ KeyError If set name is not valid or does not exist. """ assert set_name, 'Must input a valid set name.' try: return self.sets[set_name].object(index, convert_to_value) except KeyError: self._raise_error_invalid_set_name(set_name)
[docs] def size(self, set_name=None, field='object_ids'): """Size of a field. Returns the number of the elements of a field. Parameters ---------- set_name : str, optional Name of the set. field : str, optional Name of the field in the metadata file. Returns ------- list/dict Returns the size of a field. Raises ------ KeyError If set name is not valid or does not exist. """ if set_name is None: return self._get_size_all_sets(field) else: return self._get_size_single_set(set_name, field)
def _get_size_all_sets(self, field): assert field out = {} for set_name in self.sets: out[set_name] = self.sets[set_name].size(field) return out def _get_size_single_set(self, set_name, field): assert set_name assert field try: return self.sets[set_name].size(field) except KeyError: self._raise_error_invalid_set_name(set_name)
[docs] def list(self, set_name=None): """List of all field names of a set. Parameters ---------- set_name : str, optional Name of the set. Returns ------- list/dict List of all data fields of the dataset. Raises ------ KeyError If set name is not valid or does not exist. """ if set_name is None: return self._get_list_all_sets() else: return self._get_list_single_set(set_name)
def _get_list_all_sets(self): out = {} for set_name in self.sets: out.update({set_name: self.sets[set_name].list()}) return out def _get_list_single_set(self, set_name): assert set_name try: return self.sets[set_name].list() except KeyError: self._raise_error_invalid_set_name(set_name)
[docs] def object_field_id(self, set_name, field): """Retrieves the index position of a field in the 'object_ids' list. This method returns the position of a field in the 'object_ids' object. If the field is not contained in this object, it returns a null value. Parameters ---------- set_name : str Name of the set. field : str Name of the field in the metadata file. Returns ------- int Index of the field in the 'object_ids' list. Raises ------ KeyError If set name is not valid or does not exist. """ assert set_name, 'Must input a valid set name.' assert field, 'Must input a valid field name.' try: return self.sets[set_name].object_field_id(field) except KeyError: self._raise_error_invalid_set_name(set_name)
[docs] def info(self, set_name=None): """Prints information about all data fields of a set. Displays information of all fields of a set group inside the hdf5 metadata file. This information contains the name of the field, as well as the size/shape of the data, the data type and if the field is contained in the 'object_ids' list. If no 'set_name' is provided, it displays information for all available sets. This method only shows the most useful information about a set/fields internals, which should be enough for most users in helping to determine how to use/handle a specific dataset with little effort. Parameters ---------- set_name : str, optional Name of the set. Raises ------ KeyError If set name is not valid or does not exist. """ if set_name is None: self._print_info_all_sets() else: self._print_info_single_set(set_name)
def _print_info_all_sets(self): for set_name in sorted(self.sets): self.sets[set_name].info() def _print_info_single_set(self, set_name): assert set_name try: self.sets[set_name].info() except KeyError: self._raise_error_invalid_set_name(set_name) def __len__(self): return len(self.sets) def __str__(self): s = "DataLoader: {} ('{}' task)".format(self.db_name, self.task) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)