Source code for dbcollection.datasets

This module contains scripts to download/process
all datasets available in dbcollection.

These scripts are self contained, meaning they can be imported
and used to manually setup a dataset.

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import h5py

from dbcollection.utils.hdf5 import HDF5Manager
from dbcollection.utils.url import download_extract_urls

[docs]class BaseDataset(object): """ Base class for download/processing a dataset. Parameters ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file extract_data : bool, optional Extracts the downloaded files if they are compacted. verbose : bool Be verbose Attributes ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file extract_data : bool, optional Extracts the downloaded files if they are compacted. verbose : bool Be verbose urls : list List of URL links to download. keywords : list List of keywords. tasks : dict Dataset's tasks. default_task : str Default task name. """ # download url urls = () # list of urls to download # some keywords. These are used to classify datasets for easier # categorization in the cache file. keywords = () # init tasks tasks = {} # dictionary of available tasks to process # Example: tasks = {'classification':Classification} default_task = '' # Should define a default class! # Example: default_task='classification' def __init__(self, data_path, cache_path, extract_data=True, verbose=True): """Initialize class.""" assert data_path assert cache_path self.data_path = data_path self.cache_path = cache_path self.extract_data = extract_data self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def download(self): """ Download and extract files to disk. Returns ------- tuple A list of keywords. """ # download + extract data and remove temporary files download_extract_urls( urls=self.urls, save_dir=self.data_path, extract_data=self.extract_data, verbose=self.verbose ) return self.keywords
[docs] def parse_task_name(self, task): """Parses the task string to look for key suffixes. Parameters ---------- task : str Task name. Returns ------- str Returns a task name without the '_s' suffix. """ if task.endswith('_s'): return task[:-2], '_s' else: return task, None
[docs] def get_task_constructor(self, task): """Returns the class constructor for the input task. Parameters ---------- task : str Task name. Returns ------- str Task name. str Task's ending suffix (if any). BaseTask Constructor to process the metadata of a task. """ if task == '': task_, suffix = self.default_task, None elif task == 'default': task_, suffix = self.default_task, None else: task_, suffix = self.parse_task_name(task) return task_, suffix, self.tasks[task_]
[docs] def process(self, task='default'): """Processes the metadata of a task. Parameters ---------- task : str, optional Task name. Returns ------- dict Returns a dictionary with the task name as key and the filename as value. """ task_, suffix, task_constructor = self.get_task_constructor(task) if self.verbose: print('\nProcessing \'{}\' task:'.format(task_)) task_loader = task_constructor(self.data_path, self.cache_path, suffix, self.verbose) task_filename = if suffix: task_ = task_ + suffix return {task_: {"filename": task_filename, "categories": self.keywords}}
class BaseDatasetNew(object): """Base class for download/processing a dataset. Parameters ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file extract_data : bool, optional Extracts the downloaded files if they are compacted. verbose : bool, optional Displays text information to the screen (if true). Attributes ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file extract_data : bool Extracts the downloaded files if they are compacted. verbose : bool Displays text information to the screen (if true). urls : list List of URL paths to download. keywords : list List of keywords to classify datasets. tasks : dict Dataset's tasks for processing. default_task : str Default task name. """ urls = () # list of urls to download keywords = () # List of keywords to classify/categorize datasets in the cache. tasks = {} # dictionary of available tasks to process default_task = '' # Defines the default class def __init__(self, data_path, cache_path, extract_data=True, verbose=True): """Initialize class.""" assert isinstance(data_path, str), "Must insert a valid data path" assert isinstance(cache_path, str), "Must insert a valid cache path" self.data_path = data_path self.cache_path = cache_path self.extract_data = extract_data self.verbose = verbose def download(self): """Downloads and extract files to disk. Returns ------- tuple A list of keywords. """ download_extract_urls( urls=self.urls, save_dir=self.data_path, extract_data=self.extract_data, verbose=self.verbose ) def process(self, task='default'): """Processes the metadata of a task. Parameters ---------- task : str, optional Name of the task. Returns ------- dict Returns a dictionary with the task name as key and the filename as value. """ task_ = self.parse_task_name(task) if self.verbose: print("\nProcessing '{}' task:".format(task_)) hdf5_filename = self.process_metadata(task_) return {task_: {"filename": hdf5_filename, "categories": self.keywords}} def parse_task_name(self, task): """Parses the task name to a valid name.""" if task == '' or task == 'default': return self.default_task else: return task def process_metadata(self, task): """Processes the metadata for a task. Parameters ---------- task : str Name of the task. Returns ------- str File name + path of the resulting HDFR5 metadata file of the task. """ constructor = self.get_task_constructor(task) processer = constructor(data_path=self.data_path, cache_path=self.cache_path, verbose=self.verbose) return def get_task_constructor(self, task): """Returns the class constructor for the input task. Parameters ---------- task : str Name of the task. Returns ------- BaseTask Constructor to process the metadata of a task. """ assert task return self.tasks[task]
[docs]class BaseTask(object): """Base class for processing a task of a dataset. Parameters ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file suffix : str, optional Suffix to select optional properties for a task. verbose : bool, optional Be verbose. Attributes ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file suffix : str, optional Suffix to select optional properties for a task. verbose : bool, optional Be verbose. filename_h5 : str hdf5 metadata file name. """ # name of the task file filename_h5 = 'task' def __init__(self, data_path, cache_path, suffix=None, verbose=True): """Initialize class.""" assert data_path assert cache_path self.cache_path = cache_path self.data_path = data_path self.suffix = suffix self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Load data of the dataset (create a generator). Load data from annnotations and split it to corresponding sets (train, val, test, etc.) """ pass # stub
[docs] def add_data_to_source(self, hdf5_handler, data, set_name=None): """ Store data annotations in a nested tree fashion. It closely follows the tree structure of the data. Parameters ---------- hdf5_handler : hdf5 group object handler. data : list/dict List or dict containing the data annotations of a particular set or sets. set_name : str Set name. """ pass # stub
[docs] def add_data_to_default(self, handler, data, set_name=None): """ Add data of a set to the default group. For each field, the data is organized into a single big matrix. Parameters ---------- hdf5_handler : hdf5 group object handler. data : list/dict List or dict containing the data annotations of a particular set or sets. set_name : str Set name. """ pass # stub
[docs] def process_metadata(self): """ Process metadata and store it in a hdf5 file. """ # create/open hdf5 file with subgroups for train/val/test if self.suffix: file_name = os.path.join(self.cache_path, self.filename_h5 + self.suffix + '.h5') else: file_name = os.path.join(self.cache_path, self.filename_h5 + '.h5') fileh5 = h5py.File(file_name, 'w', libver='latest') if self.verbose: print('\n==> Storing metadata to file: {}'.format(file_name)) # setup data generator data_gen = self.load_data() for data in data_gen: for set_name in data: if self.verbose: print('\nSaving set metadata: {}'.format(set_name)) # add data to the **source** group if self.suffix is '_s': sourceg = fileh5.create_group(set_name + '/source') self.add_data_to_source(sourceg, data[set_name], set_name) # add data to the **default** group defaultg = fileh5.create_group(set_name) self.add_data_to_default(defaultg, data[set_name], set_name) # close file fileh5.close() # return information of the task + cache file return file_name
[docs] def run(self): """Run task processing.""" filename = self.process_metadata() return filename
class BaseTaskNew(object): """Base class for processing the metadata of a task of a dataset. Parameters ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory. cache_path : str Path to the cache file verbose : bool, optional Displays text information to the screen (if true). Attributes ---------- data_path : str Path to the data directory of the dataset. cache_path : str Path to store the HDF5 metadata file of a dataset in the cache directory. verbose : bool Displays text information to the screen (if true). filename_h5 : str Name of the HDF5 file. hdf5_filepath : str File name + path of the HDF5 metadata file in disk. """ filename_h5 = '' # name of the task file def __init__(self, data_path, cache_path, verbose=True): """Initialize class.""" assert data_path, "Must insert a valid data path" assert cache_path, "Must insert a valid cache path" self.cache_path = cache_path self.data_path = data_path self.verbose = verbose self.hdf5_filepath = self.get_hdf5_save_filename() self.hdf5_manager = None def get_hdf5_save_filename(self): """Builds the HDF5 file name + path on disk.""" return os.path.join(self.cache_path, self.filename_h5 + '.h5') def run(self): """Main Method. Runs the task metadata processing. It creates an HDF5 file in disk to store the resulting subgroups of the dataset's set partitions (e.g., train/val/test/etc.). Then, it loads the dataset's raw metadata from disk into memory as a generator, retrieves the data fields obtained in the processing stage and saves them into an HDF5 file in disk. Returns ------- str File name + path of the task's HDF5 metadata file. """ self.setup_hdf5_manager() data_generator = self.load_data() self.process_metadata(data_generator) self.teardown_hdf5_manager() return self.hdf5_filepath def setup_hdf5_manager(self): """Sets up the metadata manager to store the processed data to disk.""" if self.verbose: print('\n==> Storing metadata to file: {}'.format(self.hdf5_filepath)) self.hdf5_manager = HDF5Manager(filename=self.hdf5_filepath) def load_data(self): """Loads the dataset's (meta)data from disk (create a generator). Load data from annnotations and split it to corresponding sets (train, val, test, etc.) Returns ------- generator A sequence of dictionary objects with a key-value pair with the name of the set split and the data. """ pass # stub def process_metadata(self, data_generator): """Processes the dataset's (meta)data and stores it into an HDF5 file.""" for data in data_generator: for set_name in data: if self.verbose: print('\nSaving set metadata: {}'.format(set_name)) self.process_set_metadata(data[set_name], set_name) def process_set_metadata(self, data, set_name): """Sets up the set's data fields to be stored in the HDF5 metadata file. All fields set in this method are organized as a single big matrix. This results in much faster data retrieval than by transversing nested groups + datasets in an HDF5 file. Parameters ---------- data : dict Dictionary containing the data annotations of a set split. set_name : str Name of the set split. """ pass def teardown_hdf5_manager(self): """Sets up the MetadataManager object to manage the metadata save process to disk.""" self.hdf5_manager.close() class BaseField(object): """Base class for the dataset's data fields processor.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def save_field_to_hdf5(self, set_name, field, data, **kwargs): """Saves data of a field into the HDF% metadata file. Parameters ---------- set_name: str Name of the set split. field : str Name of the data field. data : np.ndarray Numpy ndarray of the field's data. """ self.hdf5_manager.add_field_to_group( group=set_name, field=field, data=data, **kwargs )