Source code for dbcollection.utils.string_ascii

String-to-ascii and ascii-to-string convertion methods.

import numpy as np

[docs]def str_to_ascii(input_str): """Converts a string to an ascii encoded numpy array. Converts a single string of characters into a numpy array coded as ascii. Parameters ---------- input_str : str String data. Returns ------- np.ndarray Uni-dimensional array of char values encoded in ASCII format. Examples -------- Convert a string to numpy array. >>> from dbcollection.utils.string_ascii import str_to_ascii >>> str_to_ascii('string1') array([115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 49], dtype=uint8) """ return np.array([ord(c) for c in input_str], dtype=np.uint8)
[docs]def ascii_to_str(input_array): """Converts an ascii encoded numpy array to a string. Parameters ---------- input_array : np.ndarray Input array vector (should be of type dtype=numpy.uint8) Returns ------- str Single string. Examples -------- Convert a numpy array to string. >>> import numpy as np >>> from dbcollection.utils.string_ascii import ascii_to_str >>> ascii_to_str(np.array([115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 49], dtype=uint8)) 'string1' """ return "".join([chr(item) for item in input_array])
[docs]def convert_str_to_ascii(inp_str): """Convert a list of strings into an ascii encoded numpy array. Converts a string or list of strings to a numpy array. The array size is defined by the size of string plus one. This is needed for ascii to str convertion in lua using ffi.string() which expects a 0 at the end of an array. If a list of strings is used, the size of the array is defined by the size of the longest string (plus one), and zero padded to maitain the array shape. Parameters ---------- inp_str : str/list/tuple String or list of strings to convert to an ascii array. Returns ------- np.ndarray Single/multi-dimensional array of ASCII encoded strings. Examples -------- Example1: Convert a string to a numpy array encoded into ASCII values. >>> from dbcollection.utils.string_ascii import convertstr_to_ascii >>> convertstr_to_ascii('string1') array([115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 49, 0], dtype=uint8) Example2: Convert a list of lists into an ASCII array. >>> from dbcollection.utils.string_ascii import convertstr_to_ascii >>> convertstr_to_ascii(['string1', 'string2', 'string3']) array([[115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 49, 0], [115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 50, 0], [115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 51, 0]], dtype=uint8) """ # check if list if isinstance(inp_str, tuple): inp_str = list(inp_str) elif isinstance(inp_str, str): inp_str = [inp_str] # get max size of the list strings max_size = max([len(a) for a in inp_str]) # allocate array ascii_array = np.zeros([len(inp_str), max_size + 1], dtype=np.uint8) # iteratively copy data to the array for i, val in enumerate(inp_str): ascii_array[i, :len(val)] = str_to_ascii(val) if len(inp_str) > 1: return ascii_array else: return ascii_array[0]
[docs]def convert_ascii_to_str(input_array): """Convert a numpy array to a string (or a list of strings) Parameters ---------- input_array : np.ndarray Array of strings encoded in ASCII format. Returns ------- str/list String or list of strings. Examples -------- Convert a numpy array to a string. >>> from dbcollection.utils.string_ascii import convert_ascii_to_str >>> import numpy as np >>> # ascii format of 'string1' >>> tensor = np.array([[115, 116, 114, 105, 110, 103, 49, 0]], dtype=np.uint8) >>> convert_ascii_to_str(tensor) ['string1'] """ list_str = input_array.tolist() if input_array.ndim > 1: return [ascii_to_str(list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, str_))) for str_ in list_str] else: return ascii_to_str(list(filter(lambda x: x > 0, list_str)))